that can understand, interpret, and build upon specialized knowledge and processes.
An AI-powered conversational system built on top of’s rich content about trusted philanthropy. Donors get custom, on-demand insights from's blogs, videos, podcasts, and reports.
Grounded in the Enneagram personality framework, Sisu helps people navigate tough conversations in a way that they can hear each other better, and better understand each others’ responses.
Collaborative world-building platform simulating a Wikipedia of the future. We extended IFTF’s unique forecasting approach from a static, hand-crafted forecast to an infinitely extensible, internally consistent scenario builder linking to any topic.
Embodies Bob Johansen’s decades of expertise as a futurist, forecaster, advisor and coach to senior leaders. ForesightCoach delivers personalized strategic insights to C-suite executives through complex, dialogue-based thinking processes. Conveys specialized knowledge in an accessible, engaging and conversational manner.
Our Method
The Handshake approach
At Handshake, we employ our proprietary methodologies to forge dynamic partnerships that drive meaningful change. These frameworks are designed to amplify the potential of your AI initiatives, swiftly immersing our team in the intricacies of your data landscape. It is a means to intimately understand the stakeholders’ explicit and implicit needs.
- The Resilient Transformation Toolkit is developed to identify, prioritize and design most impactful opportunities for generative AI applications.
- Augmented Leadership cultivates a future-oriented mindset to prepare you for looming disruptions by AI technologies.
Coming Soon:
Leaders Make the Future, 3rd Edition
10 New Skills to Humanize Leadership with Generative AI
On shelves January 2025 from Berrett-Kohler publishers.
75% Revised and Expanded, Co-Authored with Bob Johansen and Gabe Cervantes
Revised Future Leadership Skills:
· Augmented Futureback Curiosity
· Augmented Clarity
· Augmented Dilemma Flipping
· Augmented Bio-Engagement
· Augmented Immersive Learning
· Augmented Depolarizing
· Augmented Commons Creating
· Augmented Smart Mob Swarming
· Augmented Strength with Humility
· Human Calming
Here are choices leaders must make over the next decade to bring about the positive change potential of GenAI, with intention, discernment, and self-control: